The Weir

I could have slept in this morning, which would not have been good as BB needed to be at school for pre-school rugby training.  I barely remember TT leaving for work (very early) and my alarm didn’t go off, even though it had been set.  Luckily I woke just after 7am, and quickly spotted that it was after 7, so we had a mad rush to get him out the door by 7.30am,  He forgot his money – but I ran out and managed to catch him and then I got a call to say he had forgotten his cello – so I arranged to drop it at school at the morning break time.

I was weary – the stress of work over the past few weeks is catching up on me.  However, I managed to get myself out for a five mile plod as it was a really lovely morning and unseasonably mild.  Before I knew it, it was time to deliver the cello.  As it was so warm in the sun, I took a detour around by the river before buying a few bits and pieces for lunch.

BB was worn out, so I left him watching TV, while I  popped out to get a few things.  Not far from home I met an old lady along the road who was lost.  I walked her back to where she lived, and hoped she was ok.

Once I had fed BB , I had to get his to Scouts - then time to relax!

A scene from my river walk this morning. 

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