Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Dunoon from Gallows Hill

Not that it's called that any more, but this photo is taken from what is in a way the heart of the original settlement, near the Bishop's Palace (long gone, along with the bishops) and the space where executions are reputed to have taken place. On the left is an old house now in use as local government offices, and the road past the old tree leads to a relatively new car park where there used to be trees and rough ground. (I'm guessing here: I never did more than glance down here in all the years I passed.) Beyond is the town, and the East Bay, and away to the north the hills of the southern highlands.

Now, almost twelve hours later, the moon is riding high behind a thin veil of cloud, making it look as cold as it feels in a biting east wind. I'm more aware here than I ever was in the city of the changes darkness brings, and consequently of the changes brought by winter days and long nights. Partly, I think, I'm blipping this because it cheers me to see the sun - though I'm not sure that we'll see much of it tomorrow ...

(I've found quite an interesting site of local history here ...)

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