An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Santa's washing line...

Backblipped 03.12.18

As we had such a lovely breakfast at Broadslap on Friday, we suggested to Ele and Kenny we go there for breakfast this morning and they happily agreed.  We were there just after 10.30am and once again had a lovely, leisurely breakfast.  

Once home again, Ele and Kenny headed off to visit Kenny's mum and I shut myself in the study to open and check the contents of all the packages that have been arriving over the past few days.  Thankfully all present and correct.  Went through my christmas gift list again and took note of who I have still to buy for.  Mainly the men.  It's always the men!  So difficult to buy for!

While I was doing that David got the Christmas decs up in the garden room and kitchen, then together we tackled the hall whilst sipping an orange truffle Baileys on ice.  It's tradition you know!  ;-))

The place is feeling very Christmassy now and I love it!  Just the living room to tackle but we will leave that till tomorrow.  We're not collecting the Christmas tree till the end of the week as we didn't think there was much point in putting up a real tree when we're gong to be away with Agnes and Adrian for a few days.  Panic not though, there is a tree up and decorated in the hall and Alan has his own fibre optic tree flashing away in his living room, so he's not being deprived. 

When I went to the kitchen to make dinner, that sneaky Santa had been in and washed his smalls in preparation for his big trip around the world later this month.  He likes to hang them over the Aga to dry.  I don't mind, I just wish he would stop borrowing my dressing gown while he waits for them to dry!

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