Not the moon

Back to work this morning, and spent a large part of the day dealing with (almost) all the emails which came in the week I was away from the desk. Met with the Director about the DAMHS coordinator role which has been so beneficial for me. The young woman doing this task has the ability to see how to make systems work better, and has helped in audit and then implementing changes.

Got home a bit later than I'd hoped because of two late phone calls, one very lengthy, and difficult. Watered the plants on the deck as the weather has abruptly changed from wet (and windy) to hot and dry. My "gardening" was accompanied by a flute being played in the back yard of a house two down the hill from the apartment building. A beautiful clear and pure sound from a flute.

Having noticed that the sun was descending towards the horizon where cloud cover was densest, I got the camera, and realised that I had the makings of a different sunset photo. I have done nothing beyond what the camera does of its own programming.

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