Slip Slidin' Away

It was always going to be a long day today so I rushed out the door, running late as usual, to get the early train in to the office. I was almost up-ended right outside the house. The pavement was a sheet of black ice. The conditions were pretty much the same at the other end in Shipley. The rain of last night must have frozen on to already frozen surfaces following a weekend when the air temperature hardly rose above zero.

My walking shoes have a good vibram sole and I was still slipping about. As I walked up the road out of the station one guy was sliding down the pavement hanging on to the side of the wall. I heard some giggles behind me and turned to see these young women really struggling to stay upright. They thought the road might be a better option, but it wasn't! I love the way that the desire to look good overrides any sense of practicality. I've always preferred to put function before style myself. Actually, I have so little sense of style that this is not something I need to think about too much!

I'm still at the office. Needed to take a little break to post this before getting a bit of work finished and heading home. Better crack back down to it.

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