Rock Me On the Water

I had a morning dentist appointment in Boalsburg - part 2 of a crown replacement (and it went as well as could be expected, hooray). And I decided to take the long way around to get there, so I could make a quick ten-minute stop at Shingletown on the way, to check out the waters.

I was hoping for ice on the creek, but I didn't see a lot of that, and I didn't have time to wander far. But in the photo above, you can view what I DID get to see. Ten minutes isn't much, but it was enough for this. Never underestimate what ten minutes with a camera can get you!

It's been very wet here this year, and that trend continues. Heavy rain was expected later in the day, but this is what the creek looked like first thing in the morning. It'll be even higher tomorrow. So let the waters roll!

I don't think I've ever used this song before, and it's one I love. I've found two versions I think you will enjoy. The song is (you guessed it) Jackson Browne's fine Rock Me On the Water. As a bonus, here is a version by Linda Ronstadt.

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