Day 2 -- Goose Rescue

Well, my injured goose never showed up on my doorstep this morning.  Her five companions were at the back door but she didn't make an appearance.  Of course, I worried all day about what happened to her and visualized all sorts of horrible things.   Finally about 2:30 this afternoon I started on a search and rescue mission to see if she could be found somewhere on the complex property.  There are four apartment buildings on a very large piece of property and the geese wander everywhere.  

It didn't take very long before I found her with a larger flock of her companions, about as far away from my apartment as she could get, of course.  (She's the second from the left in my blip)  She wasn't in a very convenient spot for rescue so the wildlife rescue folks and I decided to wait and see if she'll show up at my back door tomorrow.  If not, I'll track her down and they'll come see if they can get her.  I think it'll be a whole lot easier if she's with the smaller group that she's been hanging out with and if they're where we can get close to her.  She'll come right up on my porch and eat there so hopefully it will work and she'll be on her way to rehab soon.  Fingers crossed!

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