Chess anyone?

This morning something very rare happened to me. I slept in! I had planned to get up at 6.30am and start the day with a nice long run and some meditation before work but I must have turned off my alarm and fallen back to sleep. I woke again at 7.20 with a bit of a start, momentarily forgetting what day of the week it was.  I jumped up, put on my running gear and was out of the door by 7.30. I cut my run short, got ready for work very quickly and was at my desk in time.  
I found myself for a moment criticising myself for going back to sleep – it is easy for me to be self-critical but it would serve no purpose other than to make myself feel bad. So, I am keeping in mind that I am only human, it really doesn’t matter and I still managed to do a short run and get to work on time.  Tomorrow is another day.
I did however miss my morning meditation, so I plan on ensuring I make up for it this evening.  
During the day at work, I made plans with my sister to have my niece and nephew over for the afternoon and evening for dinner.  I have very little opportunity to do so as the children are usually always at clubs. Thursday is my only night in! So, I collected the children on the way home from work, with pizzas purchased and headed home.  It is lovely that the cousins all get to spend some time together before school starts and even lovelier then they all get on so well and enjoy each other’s company. The pizzas went down very well and I had a good catch up with my sister when she came to collect them.
On arrival home the decorations and cards had all been taken down, which made space for this beautiful chess board to be on display. My husband enjoys chess and has taught the children which is brilliant! It has been hiding behind the Christmas cards for weeks!
Today’s quote is:
“If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.” Napolean Hill
I really like this quote. I will add to it with the idea that the person who decides whether something is great or not is not necessarily right. So if we do small things in a great way, in our opinion, that counts for everything. 

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