Wild Wednesday ....

... first of the year!

And it had to be a collage!  

Featured are squirrels #1, #2 and #3 for the year, a female downy woodpecker (upper right), a male downy (small lower right) and a nuthatch (center top).

We have had this peanut ring feeder for a few years now.  I originally bought it for the squirrels but they cleaned it out rather quickly!  So then we hung it up higher so they couldn't reach it and allowed the birds to enjoy it.  We don't have it out all the time.  

I put it out this morning for the squirrels and it didn't take long for them to discover it!  The squirrel in the lower middle is on the deck stretching out toward it .... having smelled the peanuts!  Thankfully he didn't jump from there .... all he had to do was climb up the pole like the squirrel in the lower left picture!

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