Finally in the evening got our internet connection back. The technician needed to come do new configurations again.

I know I'm extremely lucky to have roof over my head, warmth in the house and food to eat. But after health internet is one of the needed things in my life. It's been very weird without one. I do have a slow 3g on my phone in the house and 4g outside. But it's just too cold outside to do anything with a laptop. But it's back. Life is better again. I'm connected!

I did 3 dresses (well 3,5) yesterday. One needs some alterations so that's still an open case. Mostly today I visited the charity shop and chatted with the ladies. Visited our internet service providers office two times. Some grocery shopping. Baked two pies. Did some cleaning.... Oh and as the ola de frio (cold wave) is heading our way, I took an old pair of short wool trousers and made two beanies out of them. One in the picture.

So arctic air will reach us tomorrow. Nights will go as low as 1°C. Days only up to 12°C. But it will be sunny. This will last about 3 days. For some reason I enjoy the heat wave better even if it's also quite harsh for the body.

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