AT185, Abstract Gerbil

Today I woke up and had a bit of a funny turn.  I don’t know what caused it but I had to lie down for 5 minutes because I felt sick and dizzy.  I got up and it happened again and for a while I didn’t know how I was going to get the children to school. I had a drink, and ate something and then started to feel a little better.  I got the children to school, and managed to get to work but felt pretty grotty most of the day. Thankfully I had the evening in at home and when I started feeling better caught up with some chores, including cleaning out the gerbil cage.  This abstract is of one of the gerbils coming out of the cardboard inner tube and making his clean cage comfortable! 
Today’s quote is:
“Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.” Oprah Winfrey
This is at the heart of what mindfulness is all about and I thought it a good opportunity to remind anyone who is interested what it is and why it is important.  Be mindful is about being consciously aware of the current moment. We all have busy minds and are bombarded by thoughts, feelings and an inner narrative that isn’t always helpful.  Mindfulness practice is all about noticing when I mind wanders, recognising that this narrative is just that and it isn’t necessarily true or fact and letting the thoughts go. Meditation through focused awareness helps to strengthen our ability to be mindful in day to day activities and isn’t just about meditation.  Next time you take a shower, or make a cup or tea, if you are interested, try to be fully aware of the moment. The feeling of the water on your skin, the sounds around you, the smells. Notice when your mind wanders and gently pull it back to focus. It sounds simple right? If you struggle with stress, worry and anxiety, these simple practices can really help with noticing when we start veering into that unhelpful narrative of self criticism and the what ifs. Brain science and scans shows that regular mindfulness practice changes the brain…. And improves well-being. A no-brainer surely?? 
I have made some progress today in bringing awareness to mindfulness in my workplace which I am really excited about so I will keep you posted!!!! 

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