The second half of life..

By twigs


People tend to either love them or hate them. Personally, I love them - they remind me of being a kid and going to little Nanna and Grandad's in Braithwaite.

Anyway - I have one or four in my garden.  They're usually all blue but a year or two ago I started experimenting with additions to the soil in an attempt to change some of their colours.  I didn't add anything on a regular basis - only when I remembered or thought about it.  The main and most regular addition has been coffee grinds and I've been thrilled this year to find I now have some pink blooms.  I also have one bush who has steadfastly refused to colour up and is white.  I really don't remember whether he was ever any other colour so that part of the experiment has been a bit of a failure. On the other hand, the grinds seem to have lifted the pink which makes me very happy :) 

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