Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Tiny Birdie

I've seen Zippy (and even Mrs. Zippy) when I've been sitting outside but idn't have a camera in hand.  So I've been stuck with these female black-chinned hummingbirds.  You would think there'd at least be some males around, and hey probably are, but my timing has been bad.

Let's see, I'm posting this a day late so I'm trying to remember what I did. Okay, after some seriously deep thought I've remembered.  This is my life now:  I took Mom for her first ride in the new car.  Scared the heck out of her when I hit turbo. I had enough time to snag but two shots of this hummingbird before her best friend took her to Texas Roadhouse for lunch/dinner while I ordered groceries from Fry's online.  I picked them up, brought them home then went back out to Sprouts for a few more things.  Seconds after I walked into the house from there , Claudette and Mom got home.

Since she had already eaten, I took a stuffed pepper out of the fridge for my dinner and as I was cutting it up to put into the microwave, I slipped backwards and pulled the dish with me.  I didn't fall but the floor was covered with a ton of beef, rice and green pepper.  I did do something to my ankle, though, so I spent the rest of the night with it raised and an ice pack applied.  No wonder I had initially forgotten the day.

Ready for a bunny funny?
Q: How do rabbits travel?
A: By hareplane.

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