Skip's Blips

By Skip

This is the sixth in my series of park trail blips, my version of the one street challenge originally suggested in the forum by Kendall. I'm not quite clear on whether these qualify for the "one street" tag, but whether they do or not, I am having a great time seeking out and posting these blips. But the most exciting thing for me is the discoveries I have made about my photography during the past week. I wrote about it on my photoblog today, if anyone (besides me) is interested.

I had a tough time choosing today's blip. The runner up was a flock of turkeys I encountered in the park today. There were at least 21 of them, and they were (seemingly) racing each other down the sledding hill. I finally decided to post that one on my photoblog. It was a misty morning in the park, and the light was definitely dull, but I had the nifty-fifty on my D90, and it wasn't one bit hampered by the poor light. Look how well it captured the food fight between the nuthatch and the titmouse. Wouldn't you love to know what they were saying to each other? Capturing scenes like this one, despite the misty, moisty morning, has me looking forward to that 35mm prime lens I put on my list for Santa. Big kids like new toys too, you know?

PS Posting this very late, but not really back blipping. I tried to post it last night, but couldn't get onto Blipfoto, so I finally gave up and went to bed, thinking, "Sunday morning will have to do," and now it is Sunday morning.

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