Flowers to Myself

It's been another grey and miserable day today.  I went to the gym this morning and stopped off at Tesco to pick up the local paper on the way, as my  crystal ball made it into the paper.  While I was there, I noticed this bouquet of flowers reduced so I decided to treat myself, they brighten up the house and also gave me a blip.

After a good run on the treadmill I headed home to get ready for work - ended up rushing but made it to work in time.  I'm still here with an hour to go, but the last patients are in so it's my quiet time to get things finished off.

It's only 5 weeks on Thursday until we fly to Dubai and I'm really looking forward to some sun and have started planning.  Last night we booked a sunset dune safari and dinner out in the desert - we're looking forward to that as we were going to do it last time, but didn't because we ended up staying in the desert for two nights.  I also started trying on summer clothes that now I've lost weight I can get back into comfortably, so it feels like I've got new clothes without the expense of buying any, but I'm sure I'll manage to find something new as well  :-)

Anyway, I'd better go and finish off my end of day duties.  Have a nice evening!

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