Spring Has Sprung!

The Meadows’ crocuses are in bloom again. They are a wee bit early this year, but the temperature today was 11° so they probably thought spring had sprung. Since they last carpeted the verges of the paths, my life has been turned upside down with no soul mate with whom to share the passage of the seasons.

If I was feeling a bit down this morning, I was immediately cheered by a call from Raheny_Eye in Dublin. It came unannounced and out of the blue, but it was so lovely to have him at the end of the phone and hear how happy he was not be working any longer for the. ‘Mistake Factory’.

I heard from the lawyer today that His Lordship’s estate has confirmation closure. This is good news in as much as once I have paid the eye wateringly ridiculous fees to every Tom, Dick and Harry who has had any dealings at all with any aspect of sorting the estate out, I can get on with my life without worrying about debts.
It may be expensive to live, but it’s even more expensive to die.

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