Strolling around

I've been in my doggie stroller a lot today. It's very exhausting being in my stroller. I don't get any sleep time because I have to stay alert to check out what is happening. Can you believe that a big fat black and white cat deliberately walked in front of me for about 5 mins? It kept turning around and glaring at me. I didn't react at all. I just watched it from my stroller and when we overtook it, Ann tickled me behind my ears and said I had been a very good little collie. Pushing a doggie stroller is exhausting for Ann too. Especially wheeling me up hills. This morning we went to her friend, Fiona's house, so that I could have a play in the garden. It took 40 mins to walk there, 40 mins to walk back and I had a half hour play. We both had to have a sleep when we got home!

I went out again this afternoon because Ann suddenly realised she hadn't posted her sisters birthday card. We almost missed the last post because people keep stopping to talk to me.(You should still get it tomorrow Jill) Obviously everyone thinks I am very gorgeous.

Also Ann wants to take me out in the car every day but today the car went in for a service so I had to stay 'home alone' while she dropped it off and again when she picked it up and went to Tesco's. I'm still crying a little bit when I first get put in my crate, but only for less than a minute. Ann just ignores me so there's not really much point in crying if I'm not going to get attention.

Popped back into the vets when we were out and about and there was a different receptionist there today who was equally as lovely as the one I met on Wednesday. Ann wanted to know how much my next vaccination will cost and how much my worming/flea treatment will cost for the first year of my life. Even though she has opened an account for me instead of signing up for pet insurance, which is the biggest rip off ever, she's wondering whether she should pay for a pet plan for the first year of my life. She's come to the conclusion that it's probably a good thing to do. According to Ann, puppies are expensive. It's going to cost approximately £260 to have me spayed. Or maybe she should just let me have puppies and then sell them for a fortune? Joke! No way would she ever do that, but you can understand how some people think puppy breeding is a quick way to make money. She'll get 20% off with pet plan, plus it will cover my next vaccination and my worming/flea treatments for a year, a 6 monthly check up and a few other things.

Oh and apparently I've been signed up for puppy training classes. I'm off to my first class on Monday night. Yay!

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