
Either I did this - OR - took two days up for one project.

If you'll excuse the pun, "one of them was stolon".

Just about a month ago, in fact on the 19th, I bought "this", for two/three reasons:-
1. Both Alice & I likes them.

2. It was a more dwarf form.
3. Who can resist a genuine, unintentional, "B.O.G.O.F."?
just thought of
4. When we were in Belgium/Holland many of the living room windows looked akin to a jail with Sansevieria bars. We kinda liked the plant, but not the Jail concept; I doubt that'll be forthcoming.

After potting the snowdrops the other day Alice's HUGE Stainless steel bowl still had a goodly amount of mixed up compost in.

I was a bit surprised to see they were in what appeared to be pure peat/coir (I didn't/couldn't analyse it)
Today I had a tiny bit of research, and discovered they were stoloniferous ; so there was a better than good chance they'd separate relatively easily/safely.
When both are well established one will be either offered "up for grabs" or "Freegled", dependent upon response.

1. I discovered that, not only are they "Mother in Law's Tongue" which I was aware of, them-over-there think "Snake-plant" more appropriate.
2. they WILL be washed, once well settled in.

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