New experiences

My very lovely owner, Ann, is trying to introduce me to as many new experiences as she can while I'm still little. By the time I am a big grown up collie she wants me to be a 'perfect pooch'. Mmmmmmm................... is there any such thing as a perfect pooch????????

Today I have experienced a lot of firsts!

Went out in my stroller for an hour this morning. We walked along main roads so that I could experience the hustle and bustle of a big city. The first time I went out in my stroller I lay down. Now I sit up all the time because there's so much for me to see. Apparently 'perfect pooch MollyCollie' used to go ballistic at buses. Well I'm not scared of buses. In fact I'm not scared of any traffic because I've been out and about in the streets of Edinburgh most days since Ann got me. Today I heard an ambulance siren for the first time. That was a bit scary but I soon got used to it.

This afternoon I stayed home alone because Ann was doing a 'meet & greet'. Apparently I have to practise staying home alone for a couple of hours every day. I still cry for a few secs when Ann first puts me into my crate but I soon settle down. Ann knows this because she stands in the hall and listens??!! Oh and can you believe that at the 'meet & greet' the previous visitors had just left the shower running, because there was a problem with the on/off controls and it couldn't be turned off. But had they bothered to tell anyone? They had not. Ann is a meet & greeter, not a plumber!!! Anyway long story short. She managed to locate the stopcock and turn all the water off. Haven't a clue what the cleaners were going to do because they hadn't arrived either. But hey ho................. the two 12 year olds young men that were staying were happy. One of them had just been offered a fabulous new job so they were off out to celebrate.

This evening I have had my first little outing to someone else's house. I went to Susi's. As soon as I arrived I had a play in Susi's garden. Sorry this blip is so blurry but Ann zoomed in and it's all we've got for today.

….........And I had another first! I went on a bus. I'm allowed a little bit of exercise every day as long as I only walk on pavements so I walked to the bus stop and we jumped on a number 5 bus. I was ever such a good girl. I just sat on Ann's knee for the entire time. And we got the bus home too.

….............And guess what else happened at Susi's........................ I got to meet Freddie & Missy the cats. They were a bit scared of me. To be honest when I was indoors I wasn't that bothered about them. I was sitting on Ann's knee in the kitchen and when they walked by I just ignored them. They both scooted off to other parts of the flat. Obviously I have a very authoritarian charisma about me?! It was a different story when I was outside playing though...................... Freddie dared to walk along the wall, right in front of me. Well that made me mad so I tried to chase him. Obviously I couldn't catch him because I was in a fully enclosed garden and I can't climb walls. Grrrrrrr........................…

Now it's almost time for me to go to bed. Lots of new experiences have made me sleepy.

Goodnight xxx

PS – Ann tripped over me today and dropped her ipad in the process. The screen is now smashed. Can this be repaired or is she going to have to buy a new one??????????????????

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