Bank manager

Not a bad day today - the wind has gone and it was mild and sunny, well some of the time. I noticed that my neighbour across the road had been cutting down laurel at the back of his house. I hate to see someone climbing a bank with a chainsaw, with no protective clothing of any kind. He would probably be offended if I said anything so I try to drop hints. He offered to lend me the chainsaw, but I said I no longer had the full PPE so I'd rather not, thank you! 

He'd borrowed his father's new trailer to take the large heap of prunings down to the dump, so when I went down and pottered about he kindly offered to take my big heap away too! So I ended up spending a large part of the day up on the bank, pruning and taking out ferns.

OK, I should probably have climbing ropes and safety helmet too, so maybe I'm as bad as he is, but I don't take any chances. I asked him to take a picture of me 'in my garden', and I'm glad I suggested he took several as most of them were totally out of focus. This was the best one. 

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