
Wow, it was cold and windy, but to look out the window, it looked glorious – with a bright blue sky.  It was so windy I was too scared to hang my washing out, as I didn’t know where it would end up.

I dropped BB off at football, then came home and went out for a run.  The wind really sapped my energy.  Meanwhile TT went to watch BB’s football game.  Once I had recovered from my run, I baked red velvet cupcakes.  I had never made them before and they went down very well, especially with BB.  He didn’t give me time to ice them!

Later I felt that the wind had dropped a bit, so I dared to hang my washing out, making sure it was well pegged on – and even later I went for a  wee walk to stretch my weary legs, while TT was doing some work in the garden.  After the brightness this morning, the day turned decidedly grey which was a bit disappointing.

While TT cooked tea,  I attacked a massive ironing pile and was pleased to make a significant in road into it, while watching the Sewing Bee, and BB practiced his cello.

I liked this yellow lichen.

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