
So now we know it's definitely still pretty light at 5.40. I normally take photographs in this direction of the winter sunrises. This afternoon it was the reflected pinks from the incipient sunset around the other side of the building. That combined with the scudding clouds on a day of showers, wind and sunshine (and bitter cold) motivated me to step on the balcony to get this blip.

We've had a quiet day - much needed for me, as I've had a busy few days. We've still been busy with boring stuff like laundry, shopping and latterly discussing Mr A's OU degree progress, but it's all been at a fairly gentle pace compared to the last few days. Dinner was Guinea Fowl - which neither of us has had for yonks. Mr A did a great job - delicious.

Inevitably, I've ventured onto social media, and I was much amused by this tweet.

"Please don't open more than one bottle of red wine next time, even if I would like it." Paul Tillich to Hannah Arendt.

I know that sentiment.

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