Sunday roast

That was how we ended the day. It was very tasty, and my 3 men were very complimentary. Apologies to my veggie friends.

Had a busy day. Began with a big pile of ironing, and after lunch took myself to the allotment where I fiddled with the water funnel. The wind keeps getting under it, and lifting it. I did a bit of digging, passing the weeds to the chickens. They were pleased with that. I also raked an area and sowed some spinach seeds. I really need to get another bed dug. I managed a small bit of digging, where the previous occupier had planted leeks, lucky me. So brought a handful home, but had a dinner to cook so couldn’t do more. As I packed up, a sudden hail storm pounded me and I jumped on my bike and raced home!

Once the dinner was on, I went out to the greenhouse and potted up my tomato seedlings in individual pots. I’ve never been very good at growing tomatoes, but I still keep trying! No sign of life from the courgettes I planted last weekend, but hopefully another week. I’m trying to start things earlier this year, just to see if it makes any difference. Still haven’t planted any seed potatoes but will make that a priority job to do next weekend.

Have had a nice bath and now sitting down to Midsomer Murders before bed.

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