Oranges and Lemons.

This is my Mediterranean garden right outside my back door! The Lemon tree is my latest addition and I am rather pleased with it! I have lots of flowers appearing too so hopefully more lemons. It joins my lavender, thyme and ornamental Orange tree!

Today has been catch up day. First of all putting the house back together again after yesterday’s fun. It’s surprising just how many places wooden bricks and bits of pepper pig paraphernalia can be spread by three little ones! I suspect bits will keep turning up for a while yet.

Mr Tbay tackled the mountain of post that had accumulated during the week , large amounts of which end up in the bin! Then it was catch up on emails and what had been happening on the farm.

I then headed for a doctors appointment. I have just been diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica. Never saw that coming. However it has at last given a reason for my dreadful muscle stiffness. So I will be on steroids for a couple of years and maybe if I am lucky this will get me into remission. Yay more pills to take. Grrrr.

Farming - Another humdrum day of mushroom compost hauling for the boys.

I have a new camera. Nothing very fancy but hoping I will be able to get some nice results from it. Watch this space!

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