
The Minx is unwell. Last night's lost voice appears to have been a precursor to full-blown laringytis :-(

So, even if I had bought train tickets, it's unlikely I would have made it down to London for the March, today. But I hadn't planned to go - I'm not a marching kind of guy - but after this week's 'Revoke Article 50' petition, which I (uncharacteristically) signed, I suddenly feel like a bit more of a joiner. 

Not that I think my being there would have made any difference per se. But I do think that I've previously missed the aspect of marching that is the pleasure of simply being part of a statement and I had not foreseen the satisfaction that might arise from being in London with a million people who agreed with me that this whole Brexit fiasco has been a waste of time and money, whilst also being hugely divisive and destructive. 

Suffice to say that having seen the crowds, I wish I had been there. 

I did go for a swim, though. Here are my feet, afterwards.

-11.2 kgs
Reading: 'Jog On' by Bella Mackie (I didn't pick it up today)

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