Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Arn't they beautiful? Well, two out of the three, at least... One isn't feeling well at all - as you can see. I watered it to much. I was so afraid it would 'go thirsty' I drenched it instead. I told my supervisor and she advised me what to do, and then gave me two new cuttings, which isn't what they usually do. I was so grateful! She told me to throw away my first one, but... I thought I'd seen something green on it so I wanted to save it. I put the new ones in the same pot, so the soil would dry a bit faster - with two other thirsty plants. They look healthy and strong and the sunshine brings out the red colour in the leaves. They now hang in the window in a pot I bought from the greenhouse. I watered them today and had the plastic pot over the sink while doing it. I don't want to risk water left in the pot, just gave them a shower to last a while. I don't fuss this much over my other Geranium. :D 

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