Imperfect but pretty

This failed double glazing drives Tim mad but I can't help finding it rather pretty when the afternoon light hits it.

Worked from home today but managed to have a really stressful morning nonetheless - just far too much to do and not enough time.  Had a bit of a meltdown when Tim phoned me at lunchtime, poor Tim.  Went straight into a useful work call afterwards though and started feeling a bit better about things.

My friend Katherine called me during my very late lunch hour, which was perfect timing - had a lovely catch up with her (and then the care package I sent her turned up later on too).  When I finished work (or what I could manage to do of it today), I nipped out on my bike to deliver some neighbourhood watch leaflets.  Got back just after Tim, so we put our bikes away together.  Then dinner, various jobs, Tesco delivery and next, bed!

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