Old music!

I told you we set up our old HiFi, which has been in the loft, a week or so ago. It was one of the first stacking systems, and Jon bought it around 1986 or 7. Today I found a few old cassettes so thought I'd play one. Hilarious. A variety of things I had recorded include me reading out revision for my computer studies exam while at Uni (so around 1984/5); me playing my flute; lots of Sunday night radio 1 top 40s, early 80s recorded from the radio; a recording of my dad zooming off on his motorbike and coming back again (I am sure it's dad, not Jon as these tapes are early 80s, but I don't speak at all - so why did I record it?)Manda and friend messing about with balloons I think, with me chipping in unhelpful suggestions; me chatting to the two little girls who lived next door to us, showing them things in my bedroom (a pink lipstick was mentioned). Isn't it funny what we do as kids. I expect I recorded loads of things and then taped over them. I know, like many of my friends I'd record the top 40 every Sunday, and because I didn't want any talking, I'd sit by my cassette recorder and stop and start between each song! Life before computers,ipads,phones and all the tech current young people have was so different. I'm so glad I grew up then.

Work was slow as we had a problem with computers at work. After 3 hours lost, I eventually got some work done. Not everything I'd have liked, but that wasn't my fault so I'm not worrying about it.

I'm off now for the weekend. A bit of ironing then bed because we need to be up early, heading to Manchester.

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