Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Just Phoebe

Horrid weather today, and a massive lack of mojo...but happily, Phoebe was willing to pose for a couple of shots.  And, even more happily, she is definitely showing signs of improvement.  Although the vet told us that she might be left with a permanent head-tilt, she seems to be "tiltless".  She is still quite unsteady so we continue to keep her confined, but even that is showing improvement.  Poor girl is quite bored. 

Today was much colder and very damp with a mix of freezing rain and hail and sleet.  None of which stopped two big male turkeys from parading around in the woods this morning like a couple of barco-loungers with feathers fully displayed.  Although they were pretty far back up the ridge, I didn't see any females around so I guess they were just trying out their moves on each other.  Silly things.

Day 5 at the gym for the week - 3 miles.  And tomorrow I'm off on a little adventure with a couple of birding friends.  Not sure how the photography will be, but hoping for ...something.

Thanks for stopping by, and for your continued good thoughts for Phoebe.  


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