Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Break outside in the park. Work outside has begun, but my chore for the day was to replant tomato plants. Finally warmth are arriving!
After work I was at a seminar about an EU career. I knew some of what they were talking about, but when I asked about age, I learnt that age isn't an issue within the EU committees. And I had a chatt with some of the university staff that arranged this seminar. They were very supportive and told me to apply again. So, next year I'm doing another try... 
I'm so tired after the crazy stuff that's happen so far this week, and I have an early start tomorrow too... I'll get to your journals later... I will be very happy on Thursday when my Easter vacation starts! Only four days, but four most welcome days...
And... I'm so sad about what's happened to the beautiful Notre-Dame... I love that Cathedral. 

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