Lunar shopping centre

A couple of hours of furious work this morning, I surprised myself. It just flowed onto the screen and into the PowerPoint. I was finished well within the two hours I’d set myself. Hopefully the training I’m doing next week in prison will go well too.

After coffee we went on another local walk, trying to vary the routes to and around the same places in the village. Across the golf course (on public footpaths of course) and on to the Bearsted Woodland Trust where the warm sunshine is bringing out the Cherry blossom. A few more days of this weather and it’ll be ready for blipping.

Met son and granddaughter in Bluewater for pizza and stuff and to hand over some Easter goodies as well as a book that we found we had but which belongs to Matthew. It was given him by his Nanna and Grandad who are no longer with us so I thought he’d like it back.

Took the opportunity to browse a few stores, comparing console tables for the hall and looking at cushions, that sort of thing before we met up.

Today’s blip, a submission for Abstract Thursday is in Bluewater. Very interesting stuff around if you take the trouble to look. Circling this space is etched glass depicting various lunar feature which with the complexity of patterns and structures certainly give a complex abstract image. The words etched into the glass say “Sinus Iridum” which is the name of a plain of basaltic lava which forms the NW extension of the Mare Imbrium on the Moon. The word “Blanchini” can be seen between the other two words and refers to a lunar impact crater that lies along the northern Jura Mountains that ring the Sinus Iridum. Thank you to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday, making me look more carefully and learning something new today.

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