
Today it was the Sprint event as part of the Jan Kjellstrom International Orienteering Festival, this year held in the South Central Area. We were running around Aldershot Barracks on a very hot afternoon (still not complaining!)

After my run, when thankfully my knee held up, I donned my very large official high vis vest and took my camera back out in to the area to take 2500 photos of orienteers! At one point I spotted a shaft of light falling through the gap in the roof onto one of the control kites on the elite courses and decided to get some shade and see how the photos turned out in a very different environment. This is E, one of our young stars, turning to sprint away. If you look carefully you can see the etag on her hand which she has waved above the control to register she has been to it.

Tomorrow it is the Middle Distance Event and hopefully I will remember to start my Garmin at the off instead of half way round as I did this morning!

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