The Necessary Bluebell Photo

George's birthday today. He'd imbibed quite a bit last night so wasn't feeling up to par. Plus, William was tired and teething.

So we never got to Hinckley RFC Family Fun Day. Instead, we met at The Old Horse, opposite Victoria Park in Leicester, for lunch. William got to grips with the wooden climbing frame and slide extremely quickly. See extra.

We went back to George and Kat's where Kat took to bed as she was working tonight. Len and I suggested that George might like to go and lie down with William, as both were evidently tired. George asked us to put the front door keys through the letter box when we left which we did shortly afterwards. What with an overhead helicopter and the strident tones of the ice cream van, it was hardly quiet.

So we drove home but stopped off at Swithland Wood which is awash with bluebells. The rangers have been clearing trees and shrubs to create glades in which flowers can spread easily. I've never seen so many bluebells there.

Home, and chair in the conservatory. I think I napped for well over an hour. At least Basil had had a run.

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