New Sycamore Leaves

And today we have a close up of fresh, young sycamore leaves, showing  how they have a reddish tinge - at the moment. The hue disappears as the leaves grow and the seasons move on, until Autumn when they can display the most beautiful red hues again.

Taken on a late walk with Basil. I made a sponge cake to celebrate George's 30th birthday which Len and I cut while on a WhatsApp call to him.

The breeze is abating. Baz and I walked only as far as the apple tree at the entrance to the meadow at the bottom of the hill. As we embarked on the Green Lane, I noticed that the  householder who lives in the house where the deadly nightshade grows had cut it back, together with the variegated ivy that had been creeping through the fence. I find that a pity.

Then I watched a webinar by Nat Coalson on building a photographic portfolio. Now I feel tired, particularly after the efforts of the last 2-3 days marking the camera club competition photos.

We are told that it will get warmer. Politicians still wrangling over PPE and measuring the number of deaths. It gets so that you don't know who to believe.

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