Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Twitchy Twenty Six

I am not sure how it got to be the 25th of April before I posted a shot of a Downy Woodpecker!  They are a bird that I can count on seeing every singe day of the year, sometimes in surprising numbers.  Measuring about six inches, they are N. America's smallest woodpecker, but what they lack in size they make up for in personality.  They tend to be very unconcerned about humans and I've had them land on me if I am not being quick enough about putting a feeder out.  Beyond cute.  

This image was the one for today for two reasons - 1) I love that his little crest is all raised, a sign of his alarm at another nearby downy woodpecker, and 2) because the woods have finally greened up enough to make for lovely soft green backgrounds.  

Had an impromptu chat with my parents this afternoon - both still recovering from some sort of upper respiratory nastiness.  It's hung on for a long time and has left them both quite fatigued.  A short while later, I got an unexpected call from a very long-time friend who I've been out of touch with for about 10 years.  We had the best time getting caught up and it felt as if no time had passed.  What a nice surprise.

My visit to the dentist went off without a hitch ... until the Novocaine started to wear off this afternoon.  Wowzer, was my jaw sore!  I downed two ibuprofen and am now feeling much better.  And ran out to pick up some fresh-made potato/leek soup for dinner since I don't think anything that requires chewing is going to happen.

Thanks for all the love on yesterday's Cooper's Hawk.  I hope to be able to get a much better image of her one of these days.  


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