The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Blue, blue breakfast

Inspired, perhaps, by Sloggs' 'End of the world breakfast' blip, and by the sunshine streaming through the window this morning, (I even cleaned the window so I could see out), I once again blipped my breakfast. My first-ever blipwas of a bowl of porridge! 159 blips later, it's the same bowl of porridge, but as you can see, Goldilocks has visited, because it is now empty. The elves have left a tacky little Christmas tree and a poinsettia. CleanSteve has left an apple from yesterday's blipshoot, and the rest of the table hasn't changed.

End of term today! Cries of "Sister X has lost baby Jesus! rang round the school, and two of our six were off sick today, but eventually I escaped with a box of chox, and ran off to my next job, where I attempted to teach massage to recovering addicts. In this I partially succeeded. Everyone gave me a hug when I left, and then I tore home to tear open some envelopes, retrieve the cheques therein, and start packing up more aroma-parcels to post. They have gone now, so there's no more work till next Friday!

Hoo-rah, hoo-rah, hoo-rah hay, as Tenpole Tudor once said. Now I am off to glam up for a drinks party. I'm knackered, would prefer to take the drink intravenously, but maybe I've been hanging around addicts, alcoholics and Father Jack for too long!

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