Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...Hey! Yo! What are you eating?

Seymour: None of your damned business!

Dudley-kiev: C'mon ... smells like corn!

Seymour: It's nothing! That's what it is! Nothing.

Dudley-kiev: No, I definitely smell corn. I LOVE corn! WANT CORN...MUST HAVE CORN!!!!

And I don't need to tell you that things went downhill after that. Yep, a giant ball of squirrel fell to the deck, split in half, and vaporized. Okay, maybe not vaporized .. that may be a slight exaggeration. But definitely ran off in a hurry. In fact, just a short while later, Dudley-kiev was seen trying to steal the entire cob, that crafty little thing!

I tried to get several hours of work done in the office, but "someone" kept peering in at me, looking pathetic. Who could resist? And then the wind kicked up and His Royal Redness was in an uproar. Threats about taking it to the Union --- as if they can really do anything about the weather. Sheesh.

Then, the sun tried to break out (not very successfully) but enough so that I noticed that the vultures had gathered on the neighbor's roof awaiting the end of the world and hoping for leftovers. (Sorry, that's gross, isn't it?)

Now it is snowing, sort of... more like flurries. Temps have dropped about 15 degrees since this morning. Pretty much a yucky day. But, hey, it's Friday and only 4 more sleeps until Christmas! I'm thinking of hanging some squirrels from the mantle - do you think that's too much?

Thank you very much for all the comments on yesterday's giant woodpecker. Several of you asked about the hole she was working on - most likely she was looking for grubs or ant colonies (carpenter ants are a favorite food of these woodpeckers). Pileated woodpeckers will also eat berries and nuts, but their preferred food is insects. The holes are rectangular which makes them easy to identify as pileated holes. Fascinating creatures that always remind me a bit of pterodactyls (not that I have every actually seen a pterodactyl, mind you!.)


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