
Shiver my timbers, it is back to January weather. I have had to put the central heating on this afternoon to stop me shivering. Even though I grudge the hordes of tourists the freedom of Edinburgh as they stravaig through the streets, I can’t help feel sorry for them as they don winter garb to beat the icy chill and take to the cafés to warm up.

As I made a sortie to the shops to stock up on cornflakes and eggs, I notice this little terrier, dressed in his little jumper, patiently sitting on a wall beside the local café.
Poor wee thing, it looked quite cold as it sat waiting for its owner to reappear.

David and Luca came for a late coffee and an early plate of soup, although it was less like soup and more like a vegetable stew, able to support a spoon in an upright position. It was nice to have their company before they disappear to Budapest for a week’s holiday, next weekend

Now that they have left I am sitting looking out on a summery view of sunshine on vivid green grass, pink cherry blossom , but with people happed up in woolly hats, anoraks, thick scarves and winter boots. “Ne’er cast a cloot till May be oot”. This weather is obviously quite common in the annals of Scotland and in its sayings.

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