Robbie finds the Answer

What on Earth would we do without Google to answer our questions? We had our usual Friday TGIF drinks get together with neighbours at the local hotel and the question was “Is the Meadows Festival on this year”. Robbie found the answer was yes, on 1st and 2nd June and incidentally the Gung-Ho inflatable obstacle course is back in the Meadows tomorrow- I thought you would like to know.

It’ s been a good Friday for someone afflicted with a dodgy calf because there was minimal walking involved in hobbling to the French Institute this morning to meet a friend.
If you conclude from all that socialising that nothing was achieved on the domesticity front you would be wrong as I managed to have a cupboard door fall off as I tinkered with a dodgy hinge. I can’t fix it but I know a man who can (hopefully) and he is coming tomorrow at lunch time. I might possibly think up other jobs for him to do whilst he’s here.

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