Piles of Books

The entire wall at this end of the room is filled with bookshelves but still there were several bags of books with no shelves to put them on.
We'd freed up some old shelves when we put up our Kallax shelving and decided to use these old shelves to add another couple of layers above the ones we already have. (Yes, I know we have far too many books!!)
When it came to positioning the new shelves there were plenty of books to pile  under them until we'd established they were at the right height and level!
We added three of these units and have now started using them, as you can see in HarlingDarlings blip.
I used to joke that we have more books than some libraries do, but I'm beginning to worry that many a true word was spoken in jest. (A version of that saying was written in The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer. That book is somewhere on our shelves!)
But, success, the bags of books that were on the floor are now shelved!

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