Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Dashing Along

Everyone probably has a dash display, or something similar to this by now...or not. After having driven a car that was seven years old, I was used to seeing only a speedometer guage, odometer (with button to switch it to trip A or trip B, and a gas gauge.

Now everything is digital. No more speedometer gauge. Now my mph are given to me in digits. And if I want them in kph, just press a button. Tons of stuff not shown here.

What I think is cool about this display section (which I can switch to different displays) is the radio stations. I never knew what station I was on before. I'd have to turn the radio off then turn it on again to see the flash of the numbers.

Not now. FM Line 1, which preset number and the numbers of the station at a glance. And I can control all of it from my steering wheel. No more fumbling with the buttons and taking my eyes off the road.


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