What's the Buzz?

I was doing some dead heading in the sun in the garden this afternoon and the main thing I could hear was the buzz of bees in the flowers. Later I went into town for a few things and popped in to see G & M on the way home where I was treated to tea and cake. 

The Prime Minister announced this morning that she would be resigning as party leader on June 7th. Her time was clearly up, but I have to say that I hated the way all parties and the media swarmed around her like hyenas around wounded prey. Our politicians should behave in a professional way and listen to others rather than their own echo chamber, that is the very least we should expect from them. Unfortunately egotism and lust for power are the things that come across most strongly. 

PS. The title is from a song in Jesus Christ Superstar - the first musical I knew all the words to!!! :)

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