Sana Rosa Creek...again!

With two dogs to walk, one of them very slow, and rain imminent, we elected just to walk down to the creek and back this morning. I think the last time I took a picture here the rushing water just about filled the frame. We seem to be a popular lane for dog walkers, for we encountered several other people with their dogs. I saw one neighbor and we stood at the bottom of our driveway talking about how long it had been since we'd seen each other because of the rain. As we commiserated, it started raining....

Other neighbors bought the house across the street and have spent months fixing it looks like a brand new house, and is fully furnished, as their business partners own a wonderful furniture store in town. This creek runs behind it and it has a big deck overlooking it with a stately tree growing through it for shade. They were going to put it on the market last week, but it was raining, so they decided to postpone it a week. 

The open house is today,'s raining again....

I've spent most of the day doing some laundry and generally trying to knock down the dog hair to livable levels. Somebody ought to tell these dogs that it really hasn't warmed up to seasonal levels and they should hang on to their warm coats a bit longer.

Our friend Bob is coming to dinner soon. His wife Gail is in England visiting her family for a couple of weeks. The best part is, he's bringing dinner with him! What a perfect guest....


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