In the pink

Spent the morning trying to catch up with the multitude of things that need catching up with - I wish I could say no to people occasionally!

After lunch I made a start on my plant crates - picking out plants which need attention - potting up, weeding, throwing out etc..I was pleased to see that most of my reasonably hardy hippeastrum hybrids have survived the winter outside in pots - quite to surprising to see hardy varieties! 

I top-dressed the pots of various lilies of the valley, including the old double form and this pink variety. Generally known as Convallaria majalis var. rosea,  I've read that some authorities consider it a different species, but I couldn't say. A lovely plant, with the traditional LOTV scent - my favourite flower fragrance.

Not the greatest picture I'm afraid - my zoom lens isn't great for closer photographs,

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