Another blipmeet!

Yes - less than 2 weeks since the last blipmeet I attended, we've had another this evening. We'd heard that blippers Technophobe and LooseCanon were at their cottage in Keswick this week, so my Editor and I arranged to come across today to see them and stay overnight near Keswick (what gadabouts we are!).
We arranged to meet them for a meal in Keswick, and we were delighted that John & Deb Gravett could join us, as well as blipper Sue Middleton and hubby Dave.
I was so busy chatting that I completely forgot to take my blipmeet photo before John & Deb had to leave to drive home to Maulds. So apologies to them that they're not on this photo - but it was really lovely to see them again.
On the photo, from left to right are: (non-blipper) Dave Middleton (half on the photo), Sue Middleton, LooseCanon, My lovely (non-blipper) Editor, Technophobe and Yours Truly. We had a super chinwag!

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