Break of Day

Woke up at dawn, opened the door for fresh air, the garden was buzzing - with rabbits, blackbirds, blue tits, swallows, blue magpies, doves, sparrows, and a wagtail... and the sky streaked purple and orange.

This is one of the three eating grapes that survived (one never got going), that we've planted to give us shade on the patio. They are shooting up, but don't think they'll give us much shade this year.

A quote I loved today, from a book by Gregory Boyle:

When we are disappointed in each other, we least resemble God. We have a God who wonders what all the measuring is about, a God who is perplexed by our raising the bar and then raising it even higher.

Oh, that I'd learn just to accept people as they are...

- beauty in the morning
- good writing
- hard-working and creative husband, working on making our water system automatic

Off to the Bible study now, in a new home, great.

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