The Glen

Given I had a late night I woke far too early.  I had hung my washing out before 8am.  I peaked too early as I then went back to bed and must have dozed off.  I’m not sure where the rest of the morning went, but I did at least two more loads of washing and went for a walk – to clear my head.  TT was mostly busy in the garden and BB, who was also weary, watched TV and then a movie.

After lunch we headed over to North Berwick as I had to buy a bottle of whisky to give to a colleague on the occasion of his 60th birthday.  I had consulted TT on this matter and he had a plan.  I left him to advise me.  I just paid up for it.

We then had a walk along the beaches , stopping for an ice cream, before walking up the Glen and eventually back to the car.  We headed home where TT lit the Barbie and cooked tea.  He then watched the football and I pottered, struggling to find anything worth watching on TV.

This is the ruin of a mill in the Glen.

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