Fake snow on Elm Hill, Norwich

Again taken from the top deck of the 501 on my way home. Yesterday's view was so much better, but at least this is a small insight into the film makers world..and probably one of the few times you are likely to see snow in June on Elm Hill, fake or otherwise. By the weekend this will all be back to normal, and I'll be out searching for proper blip photos each day.

It's been very warm in our office, but my computer has been behaving. That can't be said for many others in the office. So frustrating as I've said many times before.

Tonight when I get home, it should be week 4 day 1 run of our couch to 5k. I'm very much not looking forward to it. I bought some lovely pink material at lunch time and want to make a skirt. That's a much nicer way to spend half an hour of my hard earned free time! It's because I'm expected to run more than walk. I'm not enjoying the running bit, but the walking is ok!

What else? Nothing really, just looking forward to another weekend, and determined to drive home all the way tonight, fully alert (unlike the last two thursdays)

Watching the D Day celebrations has got me looking at French campsites. It's been so long since we went abroad - well France is the only abroad we do - so I'm starting to plan for next year even before this year's holiday is sorted!

At the p&r so must stop.

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