
By SilverImages

Old Man of Storr

"There is an eternal landscape, a geography of the soul; we search for its outlines all our lives."
Josephine Hart

Our final day on Skye and a brief return to the stunning landscapes of the Quiraing and Old Man of Storr. We'd passed by yesterday and determined to return for a more social visit before leaving Skye. We collected a couple of hitch-hikers in Portree and headed up the coast, only about 15 minutes. Even relatively "early" in the morning, 9.30am, we grabbed what looked like the last parking spot close to the footpath and headed uphill, hoping the cloud would clear. Brief, tantalising glimpses as the cloud ebbed and swirled around the rocks and as we crested the hill we got the best glimpse of the Old Man before the clouds closed around him and the rain clouds moved in.

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