Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

White-winged Dove

These are much prettier birds that our year-round mourning doves. The white-winged dove is native to the southwestern United States, Mexico, and Central America. These doves breed in the Tucson area during the summer, and they are very abundant from April to September in mid-town neighborhoods.  I know when they have arrived for the season because their poop is gigantic which makes for a lot of wall washing.

This one is for all the people in my town who shouldn't be on the road:

As a senior citizen was driving down the freeway, his car phone rang.
Answering, he heard his wife’s voice urgently warning him,
“Herman, I just heard on the news that there’s a car going the wrong way on Interstate 77. Please be careful!”

”Heck,” said Herman, “It’s not just one car. It’s hundreds of them!”

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